Cabenuva / Injectables Resource Call
Join RWC-340B members in a discussion focused on the Cabenuva Medical Benefits and understanding how to make the most of administering and billing injectables.
Virtual Fly-In
RWC-340B Members are encouraged to join us on May 16-17 for a two-day virtual fly-in to urge Congress to fight against recent threats to the 340B Drug Pricing Program. We will schedule and organize groups of our members to be on calls with Congressional Staffers to demonstrate the importance of why they must act now…
340B Compliance Practices
ZoomPatient definition, scope of grant, 340B for incarcerated populations, services not paid by grant, and audit prep.
PrEP Issues
ZoomChanges to patient assistance programs, federal legislation.
340B Primer
ZoomRWC340B – 118th Congress Webinar
Join us for an exclusive webinar to discuss what Ryan White Clinics and other 340B safety net providers can expect from the 118th Congress. As attacks on the 340B program escalate, it is more important now than ever to stay informed and engaged in 340B politics and policy. Peggy Tighe with Powers Law will provide…