RWC-340B will be scheduling Hill visits for members that are traveling to DC to attend SYNChronicity 2019. RWC-340B Hill visits will take place Tuesday, April 16, from about 1:00pm to 4:30pm. We will use these visits to continue advocating for the 340B program and to explain the vital role that the 340B program serves in ending the HIV epidemic. Hill visits are a great opportunity to connect with your elected representative’s office and to share why 340B is so important to your organization. We also plan to focus our visits on members of Congress who have been especially critical of the 340B program. You do not need to attend SYNChronicity to participate in the Hill visits and we encourage all members, RWC-340B benefactors and even non-member clinics to join us.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Emily Whiteman at for scheduling purposes.